Friday, September 23, 2011

New deadtime stories horror DVD narrated by George Romero includes short about cancer-curing Martian "Dust"

Check out this trailer for George A. Romero Presents Deadtime Stories, Volume 2 (Millennium, Sept 2011), a new visual anthology of terror narrated by the original master of horror that was just released direct-to-DVD and includes a short film titled “Dust.” 

According to a spoiler-ish review of the new DVD posted on Technorati:
“Dust,” another story that descends into cannibalism, involves a security guard whose wife is dying of cancer and a scientist who is experimenting with some Martian dust which apparently can cure cancer. The guard steals some of the dust, injects it into his wife, and—lo and behold—she not only recovers, she’s a raving nymphomaniac. When the effect wears off, she wants more dust and that can only lead to bad things. Again with the disemboweled bodies…
Nice, just in time for Halloween!

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