Monday, October 18, 2010

Anthropology museum has greater financial transparency than Electronic Frontier Foundation

Despite a board of directors that includes prestigious information technologists such as Brewster "Internet Archive" Kahle and prominent alumni like über geek and io9 science fiction blog editor Annalee Newitz, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), a tax-exempt non-profit organization established in San Francisco in 1990 that defends the digital rights of some consumers, likely will not be winning any electronic frontier awards for financial disclosure and transparency (D&T) in the near future. Here is EFF’s digital commitment to D&T, as posted on its website:
Contrast that with these documents, all posted on the website of the Museum of Man, a tax-exempt non-profit institution located in San Diego that traces its roots to the early 20th century and which collects, preserves, interprets, and communicates evidence of human development and creativity to advance understanding and respect for all cultures:
Pictured: Ancient financial statements recorded on cuneiform tablet.

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